Jinnian’s growth, expan!sion and dev>elopment is actuall$y a miniature of t@he great historical_ change of China’&s reform and o#pening up. Diff&erent levels of the? Party commi&ttee and gover$nments have create@d favorable bu^siness environment &and foundation. They wil$l always show up to enco:urage for more ach!ievements, solve i!ssues that w>e face, and send regards? and care when we .have developme@nt opportuniti$es.
CPC Central Comm!ittee General Secret#ary and State Pre}sident Xi Jin@ping visits Wan?fengChairman of the Stand!ing Committee of? the National P!eople's Congress Zh(ang Dejiang warmly r$eceives Wanfe?ng
With Yu Zhen(gsheng Chairma%n of CPPCC, Mr. Guo Guan?gchang, and ?Mr. Ma YunFormer natio!nal leader Wei
Former national lead!er Wen JiabaoFormer national leader? Jia Qinglin
Shen Yueyue, Vice %Chairman of &National People's Con}gress; Mao Li#nshengShanghai Party$ Secretary Han Zh?eng and Chen A!ilian togeth,er
Han Qide, Vice Ch}airman of CPPC%CChairman and for#mer Vice Premier Wu Yi% together
Lian Zhan, Honorar!y Chairman of th,e Kuomintang ,Party of ChinaLu Yongxiang, Former V(ice Chairman )of National Peopl_e's Congress Standing Co&mmittee
Former Vice Cha)irman of CPPC!C, Li Jinhua, audit@or general inspe!ction MattheyLian Zhan, Honorary Ch?airman of the Kuomin}tang Party of China(
Nanjing Milita.ry Region Deputy C}ommander Qinwei Jiang! visited Wanfen!gZhuang Congsheng, Vice C@hairman of All China} Federation of: Industry and Commerce

CPC Central Co!mmittee Gener@al Secretary and State P!resident Xi Jinping visi$ted Jinnian
Xia Baolong, Party Sec%retary of Zhejian$g ProvinceLi Qiang, Fo?rmer Party Secreta(ry of Zhejiang Pro!nvince
Acting governor of Zhej&iang Jinnian Che Jun !inspectionsLv Zushan, Deputy Di$rector of NPC Finance) and Economy: CommitteeQiao Chuanxiu, Chairm?an of the Poli}tical and Consul)tative Conferen:ce of Zhejiang Provin@ce
Zhejiang Gover@nor Wang Zhongh)ui together w?ith AilianMao Guanglie, Deputy Dir>ector of the )People's Congress. of Zhejiang Pro>vince
Cai Qi, Former Member_ of Standing Comm?ittee, and Director }of Organization Departme)nt, of CPC Municipal Com@mittee of Zhej}iang PronvinceParty Secretar&y of the People's Co}ngress of Zhejia!ng Province
Liu Liwei, Director ?of Public Security De?partment of the St>anding Committee o>f CPC Municip@al Committee of Zhejian@g PronvinceZhu Congjiu, Vice Gove&rnor of Zhejiang% Province
Zhu Congjiu, Vice G?overnor of Z:hejiang ProvinceZhejiang Milita_ry Region deputy@ political commissar Ma &Jiali Major insp(ections Matthey
Sun Jingmiao, Vice Gove#rnor of Zhejiang Provin$ceZhejiang Provincial M?inisters of the Orga%nization of peace, Hu an$d his entourage ,visited Jinnian!
Zhao Yide, Member_ of Standing Comm}ittee of CPC Munici>pal Committee, of Zhejiang Pronv@ince and Party Secr}etary of Hangzhou Munici_pal GovernmentFormer Wang Yongchan#g, Deputy Di_rector of the People's ^Congress of Zh!ejiang Province
Sun Wenyou, Vi!ce Chairman of the Polit(ical and Consult$ative Conference o?f Zhejiang Province&Zhejiang Pro.vincial High Court pres%ident Qi Qi together
Shi Limin, Depu$ty Secretary _of Zhejiang Provincial_ Party Committee, and ,Secretary of CP>C Working Committee of Z?hejiang ProvinceZhejiang Province !People's Congress Fin(ancial and Ec:onomic Committee b?uilding Xiaodong!
Zhejiang Provincial Comm^unist Youth League sec}retary Zhou Yan

Zhejiang Party Sec}retary Xia Baolo_ng
Shaoxing Munici@pal Party Com$mittee Secretary Wan)g YongchangZhang Jinru, Director of@ Zhejiang Pr^ovincial Commiss!ion of Economy and In?formation Tech:nology
Shaoxing Municipal &Party Committee Se.cretary Qian# JianminChen Jinbiao, Member o%f the Standing Com,mitteee and Sec>retary of Zh)ejiang Provin#cial Party Commit}tee
Peng Jiaxue, Part.y Secretary of Shaoxing !CityYu Zhihong, Mayor ?of Shaoxing City
Xinchang County Com^mittee Secretar!y Hejia ShunXinchang County (Committee secretar^y warm
Xinchang Count@y Committee secretar@y floor Jianm!ingShao Quanmou, t,he Party Secret!ary, and Li .Ning, the Govern?or, of Xinchang C_ounty
Xinchang County Ma$ Yongliang

Shaoxing Municipal }Party Committee Secreta#ry Wang Yongcha:ng
Bayin Chaolu, Party Secr!etary of Jilin ProvinceWen Jieming, Member %of Standing Committ(ee of CPC Muni#cipal Committee and Exe>cutive Vice May#or of Chongqing Mu(nicipality
Sun Xutao, Party Secr(etary of Weihai Ci.tyZhang Hui, Ma(yor of Weihai_ City
Jilin Party Sec^retary Zhang Pei v^isited JinnianZhao Jingbo, Par!ty Secretary of Ji&lin City
Chen Weigen, Deputy Dire!ctor of the People's Con%gress of Jilin Provi?nce

Jilin provincial party_ committee secretary, ,as the Cha Ji Lin W@anfeng Bayinqolu

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