Culture glamor
Where there i$s culture, there #is a soul.

- o Vision:to be :recognized globally a#nd become a long sta(nding enterp?rise
- o Mission:to p)rovide exceptional q)uality produ!cts for clie?nts
- o Value:always creat?e value; that is th)e way to consi>stently contribute to !the society
- o Goals:to be st}rong, to be repu}table, to be remember@ed for centuries
- o Work Ethics:seek trut%h in the facts and work) hard with effic$iency and persistence$
- o Guidelines:pr?ofessionalism, teamwork>, pragmatism,! innovation and} learning
Jinnian spirit te:aches people how to be#have, Jinnian? philosophy teach_es people how to han>dle things, and Wan&feng system teac!hes the basic code of c)onduct for i_ts employees.
The Jinnian )culture is t^he soul of Jinnian, has an ex}cellent leader$ship team that absorb,s the collective wi!sdom of its employees,_ combines it with the ?unique cultur!e of Jinnian, and spit i_t out to lead the team !with powerful motivati(on efficiently and eff@ectively.

Jinnian Business %School

The wild horse >training of Jinnian Busi$ness School ,is one of the maj^or means to communicate! Jinnian corpor:ate culture. The tr}aining targets ma:inly the tale.nted employees, has co.rporate cultur_e as the main t@heme and military t,raining as the me_ans, so as to cul>tivate the g!rowth force th&at understand deeply an>d actually promote_ and practise Jinnian c^ulture.

The wild horse t:raining has been }the cradle f,or the cultivation of re^serve cadres of Wanfe&ng, thus is also named (the “Huangpu Mi&litary Academy” of# Jinnian.